ESP Gold Lite Engine Program
Excellent Paint and Interior
Highlights Include ESP Gold Lite Engine Program, WAAS/LPV and Excellent Paint and Interior. Contact Jim Mitchell for more information. or 612-787-5676.
Honeywell Primus 1000 Three Tube Display
Comm: Dual Honeywell KY-196 B (8.33)
Nav: Dual Honeywell KN-53
HF Comm: Honeywell KHF 950
Autopilot/FD: Honeywell Primus 1000
ADF: Honeywell KR-87
DME: Dual Honeywell DM- 441B
Radar Alt: Collins ALT 55B
Transponder: Dual Honeywell KT-74
Radar: Honeywell WU-660
FMS: Universal UNS-1Lw
EGPWS: Honeywell Mark VII
TCAS: Honeywell TCAS I
Telephone: Aircell ST-3100
CVR: L3 A200S 120 minute Solid State
AHRS: Honeywell Attitude and Heading
Reference System
Seven Passenger Center Club Interior, with a belted Lav. Seats are Beige Leather with matching carpet. Cabin furnishings include an
optional LH forward refreshment center, dual executive tables. Refurbished in 2012
New in 2012. White over Black with Red and Charcoal Metallic striping.
Meggitt Secondary Flight Display
Ski Tube
EROS Crew Oxygen Masks
Monorail Sunvisors