Maximum Range
Total Time
9,041 HRS
Passengers icon
Maximum Speed
Engine Program
Useful Load
Airframe Program

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Boeing BBJ For Sale

Year 2001
Manufacturer Boeing
Model BBJ
Serial Number 30791
Registration No. N4125
Total Time 9,041
Number Of Seats 19
Location TBA
Price Make Offer

Type: Private Jet
YOM: 2001
Total Time: 9,041 HRS
Airframe Program: no
APU: Honeywell 131-9B
APU Total Time: Upon Request
Engine: CFM56-7B27/B3
Engine Hours: Upon Request
Engine Program: yes

Avionics Platform: No Information
Avionics: Dual Honeywell Autopilot
Smiths Industries Autopilot
Dual Collins HF Transceivers
Triple Collins VHF Transceivers
Avtech Corp Remote Electronic Unit
Artex ELT
L3 Communications CVR & FDR
Honeywell SATCOM SDU
Collins Weather Radar
Dual Smiths Industries FMS
Collins TTR-920 TCAS II
Dual Collins ADF Receivers
Dual Collins DME
Dual Rockwell VOR/Marker Beacons
Dual Collins ATC Transponders
Allied Signal Mark VII EGPWS
Flight Dynamics Heads-Up Display

Colour: Leather

Nineteen (19) passenger interior. Last refurbishment 2014.

Forward Cabin:
Forward galley, followed by forward right 4-place club setting with high-low table, and single seat behind it, forward left 2-place club setting with 5-place divan and coffee table behind.

Mid Cabin:
6-place conference or dining area, followed by private office area with 4-place divan opposite single seat. Aft Cabin: Bedroom with queen sized bed and private master bath.

Forward, with 2 convection ovens, single microwave, refrigerator and coffee maker.

Crew Area:
2 Cockpit Seats, captain and first officer seat plus one jumpseat. One crew seat located next to forward entry door with 3-place divan (2 seats approved TTOL) in crew rest area, just behind galley.

Crew lav located in fwd cabin, with guest lav mid cabin and master lav located aft cabin. Guest and master lavatories include showers with a total 680 liters (180 Gal) water capacity.

Colour: White

Overall Matterhorn White with Combat Brown tail, engine cowlings
and stripe.
New, June of 2014.

AIRCRAFT LOCATION: United States of America

Inmarsat SATCOM System w/Swift Broadband and 3G/4G on Ground via SATCOM Direct Router
Internet by Ethernet Ports or WiFi
Rockwell Collins RC Venue In-Flight Entertainment:
- Blue Ray DVD Players
- Boxee AVOD System
- Skybox
- Airshow
Multipurpose Displays for Cabin/Entertainment Management (incl. lights & sound)
Two 42? High Def Monitors in Lounge & Dining Areas
Two 24? High Def Monitors in Office & Bedroom
10.6? Touchscreen Monitor in Galley
PED Universal Power Outlets: (3x) Crew Rest, (4x) Dining Area, (4x) office, (4x) Bedroom, (2x) Lounge Sideledge
Seven Phones Aboard (combined cockpit through cabin)


C-Check Insp. Currently Underway at King Aerospace Commercial Corp. (OK)
Expected Readiness Date, Late September 2022
ADS-B Out (V2, Installed Sept 2020) and FANS-1+ and CPDL Compliant
Capable for ETOPS 180 Minutes
Aux Fuel System w/6-Cells (1 Fwd, 5 Aft) = 2,825 US Gal (18,928 lbs or 8,585 kg)
For Charter

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